Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

Menapak Jejak Tanah Papua

Tanggal 8 November 2006 malam saya berangkat meninggalkan Jakarta menuju Jayapura sebagai kota transit di Papua before going to my duty station in Manokwari - the capital city of West Irian Jaya Barat Province. Finally i arrived in Jayapura on November 9, 2006 after took transit in Denpasar and Timika for some minutes. Saat kaki ku menjejak tanah Papua at Sentani airport, the sun was smiling seakan-akan mengucapkan selamat datang dengan penuh kehangatan dan kelembutan. I was inhealing deeply to merasakan dan menikmati kesegaran udara, kelembutan sapuan angin dan kehangatan mentari pagi tanah Papua. Tanah ini akan menjadi rumah kedua ku setelah Jakarta, kata ku dalam hati. Mata ku berkeliling menangkap pucuk-pucuk pepohonan, hamparan hijau rerumputan, orang-orang yang lalu lalang dan atap deretan bangunan terminal serta hanggar pesawat - sambil kaki ku melangkah menuju terminal. Saat bersamaan, Keiko - student from Japan who is a UNDP volunteer also walk with me after taking her picture.
At the airport entrance, porters were waiting to offer their hands. when a porter was taking care my lugguages, karena Keiko meminta bantuan ku untuk mencari penjemput dari kantor UNDP. Saya lalu menuju bagian informasi bandara untuk meminta mereka membantu memanggil penjemput by their speaker. At the same time, penjemput also standing in the place for calling us so we met and introduced each other and then continue to take up our lagguages to the car for leaving the airport to Humboltbay hotel in Jayapura that booked by UNDP Jayapura office- as my temporary place for staying in some days before leaving to Manokwari.
After cheking in and taking rest for some hours in the Hotel, i called the office for picking up I and Keiko to the office. When we were on the way, I tried to get some views and landscapes. I was tring to make myself familiar to the situation in the city.
In the UNDP Jayapura office I was introduced by Mr. Paul Sutmuller (UNDP Programme Coordinator) to staffs and the other UN Family at the office. They are Haryo is Operation Manager, Sylvi is Operation Assistant, Patricia is Finance Assistant, Marghareta is Program Secretary, Robert is Program Officer for Papua, Bhisnu is Community Development specialist. The others are Yohana and Herlina from Gender Mainstreaming Project, Yapi and Jetti from SOFeI (World Bank), Mr. Dominggo Narayan from ILO and Pak Edi from Papua Multy Donor Advisory Board (PMAB) offices.
In the first day in the office, i tried to interact and comunicate with the staffs to make myself familiar with them and the office. Finally, I went back to the hotel at 8pm which is a new experience about office hours in Jayapura.
Barsambung : Jejak Menjejak di Manokwari, Irian Jaya Barat

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