Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

New SEKDA for West Papua Province

Mr. Geroge C. Auparay SH, MH is the new SEKDA for the province. His previous job as Head of the Provincial Development Planning Body (BAPPEDA). He is the selected candidates of three, the other two are Mr. Rumadas who is the Interim Sekda and Mr. Kapisah who is the first assistant of the provincial government.
Before Mr. Aupray inauguration, politic tension had been inceresed since suporters, followers and aslo allies of two candidates (Mr. Auparay and Mr. Rumadas) got into demonstrations to support each of their nomenee. The opposants of the Mr. Rumadas have blocked his office. as return, his supporters tried to lay a public base for him. Each of supporters of the candidates made consolidation and tried to get the best way to take out the opponent.
Majority of Mr. Rumadas' proponents used media to get public awarness for getting more supporters. Otherways Mr. Auparay's proponents create a task force to lobby and negotiate with the top level of the government officers particularly in Jakarta. They had meeting days and nights to ensure Mr. Auparay is going to get the new position. Members of the task force ever went to Jakarta for making sure and carring out President Decree on the new Sekda.
Since they were busy with the activities, I had a little bit difficulty to have some officers time in dealing with UNDP works in the province. When I required some officers to sit in an Interview Panel as part of recruitment process to hire new staffs for UNDP field office in West Papua, they could not be on time because of the business. However Mr. Auparay has been pointed out as the New Sekda at last. His inauguration on May 26, 2007 has shut down the controversy. The situation became normal softly so the officers has got back to their official activities.

2 komentar:

  1. Pak, dimana sekarang? Saya baru dapat blogger ini. Saya lagi di Jakarta sekarang.


  2. Etha
    Saya telah balik ke Jakarta :)
    bisa saling kontak via email atau no hp saya


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