IJB Annual Work Plan : long way of lobbying
Annual Work Plan (AWP) is a basic need for programme implementation. that's why AWP is principle to do first. For the AWP in IJB, i had tried to lobby some stakeholders in Manokwari to develop AWP together, especially BAPPEDA IJB as implementing partner of UNDP in executing the programme named People centred Development Programme (PDP) at province level and 2 kabupatens are Raja Ampat and Fakfak.
After some delayings, the stakeholders could sit together to develop the AWP by a workshop on March 13 to 14, 2007. Bappeda IJB was the host for the meeting. They made an OC for the purpose consist of Hermus Indou (Kabid Sosekbud Bappeda), Jaenab, Imanuel, Eddi, Max with full support of others staffs in Bappeda office. I just provided them with ToR, registration form and vehicles rental.
At one day before the workshop, i received money for the workshop which sent from UNDP contry office in Jakarta by off my account because of UNDP procedures and regulations againts time of the workshop was too close. if we followed the prosedures and regulations to get money for an activity by third party, it would take a week or more for getting money to hold the workshop so Patricia who is Finance Assistant of UNDP Papua office in Jayapura and Hermin who is Administration Assistant of MSU UNDP country office in coordination with Financial Unit of UNDP country office decided to send money for the workshop by my account because I am UNDP staff in Manokwari of course. I took the money and delivered all of them to Jaenab who is person in charge of the OC for financial.
I myself was busy with guests from Jakarta and Jayapura. Yanti Lacsana who is Programme Manager at country office in Jakarta, my direct supervisor named Paul Sutmuller who is Programme Coordinator for province of Papua and IJB, Reinjte Kawengian who is a consultant of Cap2015, Wira who is Programme Officer at national level and also DR. Pungky Sumadi who is Deputy of Poverty of Bappenas as NPD of the proggrame. The guests arrived on March 12. PC is the first one arrived with Merpati after delaying for about 6 hours in Manado and Sorong. the others arrived with Batavia.
I picked up and dropped them to Fajar Roon Hotel. i left them a vehicle rental to use in case they want to walk around the city or to another place. i left them at the hotel and went back to coordinate with the OC that i can support them if needed.
Finally, the workshop was success. The presence of the workshop developed an AWP for 2007 with more than 9 billion rupiahs totally as its budget and also a final draft of Letter of Agreement between the provincial goverment and UNDP.
I have to say thank you very much for Hermus and his colleagues which handled the workshop properly. I will invite them for having a lunch without payment as my thanks
Aku, Sang Penjelajah#Langit itu ayahku#Bumi itu ibuku#Gunung-gunung itu kakaku#Lautan samudera itu adikku#Sungai ngarai itu sodaraku#Padang-padang itu sodariku#Hutan rimba belukar itu temanku#Tebing-tebing itu sobatku#Bintang-gemintang itu kekasihku#Mentari pagi itu pujaanku#Surya senja itu cintaku##Aku, Sang Penjelajah#Perjalanan itu ibadah#Berkelana itu doa#Mengasoh itu kidung##Aku, Sang Penjelajah#Tak terikat waktu#Tak terkurung ruang#Tak terpaku tempat##Aku, Sang Penjelajah#Akan ku daki..
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